I think euthanasia is an absolute violation of the law of God and of basic human rights.
AO Computer PLUS
May 18, 2024
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When a human being is suffering too much, is it right to stop their pain with euthanasia procedures?
May 18, 2024
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I think that, if a human being is under much suffering, at this point it should be treated with medicine or left in the hands of God. If he is suffering much, then it must be for a reason and therefore be treated not with taking their life away but with medicine and prayer.
AO Computer PLUS
May 18, 2024
Replying to
what about this study from this site:
Refinement Alternatives: Using Earlier Humane Endpoints to Avoid or Minimize
Animal Pain and Distress in Vaccine Potency Challenge Testing
This session will address, for instances where serological tests are unavailable, the
currently accepted and required endpoints for challenge tests, as well as the status of
earlier and more humane endpoints that could be used as alternatives to death or
moribund euthanasia from both human and veterinary perspectives. Vaccine products
for which humane endpoints have been implemented for use in challenge tests include
I think euthanasia is an absolute violation of the law of God and of basic human rights.